Friday, November 14, 2014

Flannel Love

I've never been a flannel person, but I found this gorgeous plaid flannel fabric and knew I needed to make a shirt dress out of it! It's super soft and comfy! Also, as you can see...I got my hair cut! I've been thinking about getting a 60s inspired pixie cut for years and finally decided to go for it! This cut was inspired by Leslie Caron and I love it! I'm still getting used to seeing myself this way though...I feel like a different person! It sure is a lot easier to style than long hair. I have to say though, it took more courage than I thought to take the plunge and let my hairdresser chop it off! To all you pixie ladies out there, I salute you.

Dress and Belt: made by me

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful dress. I always tend to go for lighter cotton fabric for sewing up dresses, but you have definitely inspired me too look for something warm and cosy!
